Titulaciones náuticas

Spanish boat licenses

Have you been thinking for some time about obtaining a Spanish nautical qualification to be able to sail boats? At Navega Mediterráneo, we collaborate with the best nautical schools and professional sailors in Spain to offer you a wide range of recreational boat licences. From the PER (pleasure boat skipper) Navigation Licence to the Yacht Captain. Take a look at the attributions that each qualification has and choose the one that best suits your needs. View all courses.
Titulos barco

What nautical qualifications exist in Spain?

There are currently 6 recreational nautical qualifications that legally allow the steering of recreational boats in Spain: navigation licence, Basic Navigation Skipper (PNB), Recreational Boat Skipper (PER), Yacht Skipper (PY) and Yacht Captain (CY). Each of the qualifications gives you a series of rights. Depending on your needs in terms of length, type of boat, areas you want to sail in, and distance in miles from the coast, you will need one licence or another. Take a look at each of the nautical courses we offer to obtain each qualification, to inform you of their attributions and course content.

Sacarse el carnet de barco

How can I obtain a nautical qualification and how do I know which one is right for me?

Nowadays there are many nautical schools that offer theoretical and practical nautical courses, both in classroom and online. At Navega mediterraneo we work with the best nautical schools in Spain, which have extensive experience and a very high pass rate. Our courses are designed so that you can obtain your qualification in less than 3 months, as well as gain sufficient experience both under sail and motor, thanks to the experience and dedication of our instructors. All courses include basic nautical safety training, as well as a minimum amount of practice to ensure that you have sufficient confidence and fluency when sailing. For more information take a look at the FAQs at the bottom of this page.

Online and in-person classesAccess to our online platform from the moment of enrolment and great flexibility in the learning process
High pass rateWe have more than 90% pass rate in official exams.
Professional nautical practicesPractise sailing in different places in Spain with the best professionals.
Get your boat license today

Nautical courses

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do you have any more questions about nautical qualifications? Have a look at our frequently asked questions and if you can't find the answer you're looking for, don't hesitate to contact us.

Can I work professionally with any of the recreational boating certificates?

No, to work professionally either as an instructor in nautical schools or to transport passengers on your boat as a tourist or commercial service, you first need to obtain the yacht captain's certificate, and additionally the certificate of speciality of professional skipper of recreational craft (PPER). At Navega Mediterráneo we offer courses for obtaining the yacht captain's certificate, and also courses to obtain the certificate of speciality of professional skipper of recreational craft (PPER).

What nautical qualifications do I need to rent a boat in Spain?

It depends on the length of the boat, whether it is a motor or sailing boat, and the distance in miles from the coast you want to sail. For motor boats up to 11.26 kilowatts and up to 5 metres in length and sailing boats up to 6 metres in length, it is not necessary to have a nautical licence. In case you are planning to rent a larger and more powerful boat, you will need a nautical licence that allows you to steer the boat. In the section of nautical courses on this page, you will find all the information about the attributions of each degree.

If I already have a nautical qualification, can I obtain a higher category qualification?

Yes, you can obtain a higher nautical qualification, as long as you meet the age and experience requirements necessary to obtain the qualification you want. For example, if you already have a yacht skipper's certificate, you can obtain a yacht captain's certificate, as long as you are over 18 years old and at least 2 years have passed since you obtained your yacht skipper's certificate. In the section nautical courses on this page, you will find all the information about the attributions of each qualification.

I have a nautical qualification but I don't have much sailing experience, what can I do?

At Navega Mediterráneo we offer practical sailing courses so that you can gain experience in sailing or motorboating, so that you can enjoy sailing in complete safety. Visit the section of practical courses for more information. We also organise boat trips and nautical events on a regular basis. Therefore, we recommend you to subscribe to our newsletter to keep you informed of new calls for nautical courses and qualifications, sailing courses, events and more. And don't hesitate to contact us for any type of consultation or request.

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